As the Times noted the bill is facing a steep odds Madden nfl 24 Coins, yet both of them bring to light just how absurd it is any of the top sports organizationsparticularly Madden NFL 24 and the NCAA Madden NFL 24 and the NCAA -- are exempt from paying taxes.
It's been reported that Madden NFL 24 has received tax-exempt status due to the fact that it's to be a "trade organization" and the teams technically get the money the league generates, then pay the league back in dues. The teams are tax-paying, but the league itself doesn't. However, pretending the Madden NFL 24 will be comparable to a labor union or a charity is simply absurd. Even though nonprofit organizations can make claims that they are legitimate ones The Madden NFL 24 still reported an impressive profit of nearly $9 million in 2012. The league reported nearly $327 million in total revenues and paid Commissioner Roger Goodell $44 million.
It's not just a Madden NFL 24 issue. The NCAA also claims non-profit status because of its efforts to support student athletes and their families, raked in $871.6 million for 2012 and is now investing record amounts in lobbying to keep those same athletes from getting any of the money. Small foot races, which are awash with huge amounts of money, make extravagant trips , and pay organizers a hefty sum are claiming nonprofit status.
It's time to end the façade.
Tax-exempt status is supposed to be granted to companies that are not solely focused on making a profit, in particular ones that are trying to help the general public in their efforts. Although we can't ignore the last week's issues, Madden NFL 24 has proven that it is solely intent on making money and benefiting itself and its teams Cheap Mut 24 Coins, as USA Today pointed out